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The swap meet will be held during the Motorcycle Show and on the same field.  If your swap meet vehicle/vehicle & trailer is longer than 20', you must reserve two vendor spaces.  To reserve more than one space, side-by-side, increase the quantity for the number of spaces being reserved.  A vendor space number will be assigned to you upon arrival.  There is no power or water provided to vendor spaces.  You may bring a small, quiet generator or battery power pack for your booth.

2025 - Swap Meet Space

SKU: 0002
  • We look forward to seeing you at the swap meet.  Vendors MUST be selling motorcycle parts, bikes, apparel, or represent a club, podcast, law firm or other motorcycle related enterprise.  We do not have spaces for non-motorcycle related organizations.

  • Motocharities sponsors this event for the benefit of the Scotts Valley Kiwanis Club by donating a significant portion of the proceeds to the Kiwanis Club for their local charities.  Motocharities will ONLY issue refunds for an act of nature that prevents the swap meet from taking place.  Credit card sales are easier to refund.  

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